Schon einen Tag später fand die Winter-Comedy statt. Dazu musste ich vorsprechen, wurde aber zum Glück ausgewählt. Meine Rollen waren u.a. eine Dienerin im Restaurant, eine Schülerin,.. Zudem habe ich auf Deutsch gesprochen, um die Zuschauer schön zu verwirren :-P
Am Ende der Show sind wir alle mit dem High School Musical Song "We're all in this together" vorgetreten und haben reichlich Applaus erhalten. Ich habe noch nie zuvor an einem Theaterstück mitgewirkt, dennoch haben sich alle Vorbereitungen gelohnt. Als kleine Erinnerung habe ich den "What did she say" Award überreicht bekommen.
The month
December was full of events and finally I found the time to tell you about it. Two
new experiences for me were the Choir Concert and the “Winter Comedy Show”
organized by my Theater teacher. Everything started with the Christmas Concert located
in Lumberton on December 16th. It was the first time for me wearing a long
black dress and I have to admit that I was extremely excited for the moment they called us on stage. Some
of the songs we sang were: “Silver Bells”, “Carol the Bells” and “Mary did you
know”. While they played “Baby it’s cold
outside” we were supposed to make amusing hand moves matching the song. I also
took the chance and dared singing the solo “Hallelujah” this evening. Although
I was extremely nervous about forgetting the lyrics, everything worked and I
will always keep this memory in mind.
One day
later the school organized the “Winter Comedy Show 2014”, filled with different
sketches about several life situations and play excerpts. I have never done
something like that before and even when it was a little bit difficult in the
beginning, it was definitely a great show. One of my biggest roles was a
monologue in German, an idea my Theater teacher had to confuse the audience.
The High School Musical song “We’re all in this together” finished the play and
everyone had to come on stage to get an Award. Mine was called “What did she
say” Award.